NUTURE your life with joy, creativity and moments of AWE. Curious?
Join us as we explore ideas, tools and insights EMPOWERING
our lives and amplifying our ability to THRIVE.
Embrace WONDER!
The POSSIBILITIES are endless …
AWE: the feeling of being in the presence of something
VAST and MYSTERIOUS that TRANSCENDS your current
understanding of the world.
Scientific studies
have shown that experiencing
AWE can transform our lives. Feeling AWE can boost our happiness, reduce stress, heighten creativity, and cultivate a sense of connection to the world around us.
These cards are your personal invitation to contemplate
the world in a different way …
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
Each day offers a chance to nurture your soul and cultivate the life you deserve.
The world and our place in it is
an exciting mystery.
From the beginning of our friendship, we’ve wondered about stuff. Dive
into our blog archive where we share
our thoughts, insights, and kitchen
table musings about the mysteries of
life and our place in it.
WON•DER: desire or be CURIOUS about something, to marvel
Our friendship started almost 30
years ago at a wellness workshop.
Our connection flourished through
inspiring conversations, a shared
curiosity about life’s big questions,
joyous laughter, and endless cups of tea …
Wondering opens us to possibility. Life is meant to be fun, fulfilling, and joyful. We are the creators of our own experiences, and our creativity is unlimited! and simply put…
a lot can be accomplished over a good cup of tea.
POS•SI•BIL•I•TY: unspecified qualities of a promising nature; potential