Here We Go… Our Very First Post!

OK…we just have to say right from the beginning, this process of setting up a blog was incredibly fun and exceptionally challenging.  Regardless of all those Pinterest posts stating how easy setting up a blog is, we were way out of our wheelhouse with several elements, especially the techy parts. In fact, we often saw the wheel rolling down the road and weren’t sure if we’d ever catch up to it.  But apparently we did, because here we are!

Why Wonder & Possibility?

Throughout our lives we have been asking questions, seeking answers and trying out possibilities. We’ve been out there exploring teachings, tools and skills that promised to help us enjoy life more.  We’ve both been attracted to the intersection of science and spirituality. We are forever drawn to new ideas about how life works and understanding our role in creating the life we live. AND for the last 22 years, we have loved endless discussions about what we’ve investigated, adopted or dismissed.

Like you, we’ve both been through a variety of life experiences, some great, some not so great, some which totally knocked us off center.  However, ultimately through these situations, we’ve found ways to continue to have joy and thrive with expectations that in the end, it’s all good.  (If it’s not good, it’s not over!)  We continue to nurture each other by sharing an approach to life that is truly filled with wonder & possibility.  

SO, a year ago we had a lightbulb moment (yes, it has taken us a full year to launch this blog.) We wondered about the possibility of extending our conversations to a larger community. That’s where you come in!  We recognize that life doesn’t come with an instruction manual or a PBS documentary for that matter, to explain it all. We believe we are all in the “field” of life together and are potential guides for each other at different moments along the way. Join us in this collective journey as we continue to explore what’s possible in this big, beautiful world.

We hope you enjoy the content we have to share and will continue to build.  Come first out of wonder.  Explore possibility as our guest.  Return to the conversation to share your questions, your experiences, and your wisdom.

Welcome ~

Barb & Mary