Embracing the Giant Pause

Hello Wonder and Possibility Friends,

What curious times we’re living in!  When our world is turned upside down, it’s hard to know how to make sense of it, what to think, where to focus.  Our new normal is disorienting, at times even distressing, but we believe that in the midst of all this change there is opportunity for both wonder and possibility.

With this interruption to our “autopilot” lives, we now have time to take stock of where we are.  This pause allows us the space to contemplate life a little more deeply and perhaps emerge with new awareness, new priorities, or new inner strength.

“The more we bring attention to our inner experience, the more we can harness our inner wisdom to navigate the demands of the world outside.”     

                                                                     ~ Project Happiness      

We believe it’s possible to not only survive this upheaval, this shift, but to find ways to thrive in spite of it!  Our intent at this time is to provide you with resources, perspectives, and inspiration to help you navigate these uncharted waters.  Whether you just need something to take your mind away from the media onslaught or you’re looking for new ways to turn within, we have a little something for everyone.

Beginning Monday, April 13th we will post a variety of resources on our website Self Care Page and our Face Book page to help you tend to your mind, body, and spirit.  The collection will be updated with new ideas each week.  We invite you to follow along, read a bit, try an activity, or simply explore the possibilities.

Knowing there are gifts to be revealed in every challenge, we find it intriguing to be part of this giant pause. We would love to hear what you are discovering as you move through it as well. Drop us a line or share your stories with us on Face Book.

In the meantime, stay safe and be well!

In wonder and possibility,
Mary and Barb