Tapping into the Power of Love

February is often referred to as “love month” so we’d like to offer a perspective on the power of love.  When we give loving attention to another… another human being, a pet, a project, a cause, or a nation… we are in the process of exercising our greatest power.

Try it right now. Take a few deep breaths and focus inward.  Silence the mind (promise it you’ll get right back to all those urgent distractions it’s calling with) and just for a moment think of someone or something that you can easily give loving attention to.  Sometimes just looking around your environment brings awareness of something or someone that makes you smile, that you can send loving energy to.  Conjure the good feelings you have for this person / thing.  Notice why it’s easy to love them / it, what you appreciate about them.  Connecting with your heart energy, send them love in this moment.  When you finish, notice how you are feeling. Is it any different than before you began?

As you sent loving energy to another, what happened to you?  What did you receive in return?  Quite possibly you felt pretty good!  Why is that?

At W&P we believe each of us is an extension of Source Energy (God, Universe, whatever name you use). We are microcosms of the whole, expressions of that which is only love.  It naturally follows then, that when we practice BEING love in human form, we feel good because we are resonating with our true nature. We are BEING what we came here to be.

When we bring loving attention to our activity throughout the day, we harness the energy or our source and inevitably reap great rewards.  When approaching a task, an event, or an encounter with another person consider the difference between doing so with loving attention versus doing so with resistance or boredom.  Which approach is going to make you happier?  If it’s challenging, consider loving attention toward yourself, exercising a bit of self-care.

It’s a fun experiment to sprinkle throughout your day.  Try it and see what happens for yourself.

Our guess is that you’ll be just a little (if not a great deal) happier at the end of the day.

Can you see what you just created?  You, all on your own and with very little effort, created good feelings for yourself as you directed loving attention to another.  It isn’t complicated, yet we often forget we possess ths power. The power to love, to heal, to uplift others is in fact creating our own happiness!

When we give loving attention to anything, we are creating happiness.  We are exercising our purpose here.  Simple and yet often overlooked.  We invite you to play with the power of love throughout your day, month, year, lifetime!  Remember that you came here to BE love, creating your own happiness along the way!

Happy Love Month!

With Wonder and Possibility,

Mary and Barb