How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways…

We love this question from Elizabeth Barrett Browning, but we’re suggesting a twist in this month of love.  How often do we truly appreciate who we are?  How often do we practice self-love?Our invitation to you this month is to send yourself a Valentine or two appreciating what it is that you love, like, or simply enjoy about yourself.  This doesn’t have to be a formal card, but maybe some notes in your journal or a few post-it notes as reminders.  We’ll get you started:

Your are fabulous!  You are unique!

We love your beautiful smile!

You care for others in meaningful ways.

Keep the list going. Building an awareness of the things you love about yourself is part of thriving.  It’s a small step, but pays big rewards.  If it feels awkward or unnatural, consider answering the following questions:

  • What do you love to do?  Appreciate yourself for your ability to have fun doing that one thing.
  • What do others appreciate about your?  Celebrate the gifts you bring to your relationships.
  • What is unique about you?  Recognize the divine brilliance that created you just as you are, one-of-a-kind, unrepeatable!

Enjoy this season of love with those around you,
and give the gift of loving yourself as well!

In this Ted Talk with Dr. Kristin Neff, discover the value of self compassion, how it differs from self esteem. Dr. Neff is a leading researcher on the science of self compassion and overall well being. Here’s another way to send yourself a valentine by learning more about self compassion and Dr. Neff’s work at
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