Embracing the Giant Pause IV

While flowers are starting to bloom along with budding trees, many of us continue to be confined to shelter in place restrictions.  There is still of a sense of pause, when we consider how to proceed with work, family routines or connections in our outside world.  For some areas, getting back to the “new normal” with places starting to reopen requires thought and reflection as to how to manage.   No matter the perspectives, there is agreement that we are living through an unprecedented time in global human history.  As a result, here at Wonder & Possibility, we thought it would be a good time to consider opportunities for self-reflection, journaling and self care this week.

As promised, we continue to curate new ideas each week, so for
May 5 – May 11 you will find:

  • A free & quick e-course for “Adopting a Self Care Mindset that Sticks”
  • Simple breathing techniques which support deeper connections to your body’s life force
  • A beautiful online journal to keep track of your experiences during these challenging and changing times
  • Insightful ideas for reflection from Depak Chopra, well know author and spiritual leader

Find all of these and more on our self care page.

“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life,
but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.”
Eckart Tolle

If you take time to reflect and take note, we would love to hear about what you are discovering.  Drop us a line or share your stories with us on Face Book.

In the meantime, stay safe and be well!

In wonder and possibility,
Barb and Mary